Becoming proud of who you are takes courage and internal strength, but celebrating pride or yourself shouldn’t be a once-a-year event.
Being proud of yourself is about having strong self-esteem. People who are proud of themselves tend to have passions in life, feel content and have the desire to trust themselves more.
We designed this special edition of So Fucking Proud, Mindset Mist by selecting the most powerful and courageous scents to harmonize the 'chakras', and to balance the mind-body connection.
In just one mist, So Fucking Proud envelops you with balance, courage, authenticity and love so that you can trust your own being to be life affirming, constructive, responsible and trust worthy. Be proud of who you are everyday!
Sourced from all over the world, we use only natural and pure essential oils to create our mindset mist. Zero synthetic. 100% natural fragrance.
So Fucking Proud contains:
1st Chakra: Cypress from Spain & Rosewood from Brazil
2nd Chakra: Sweet Orange from the USA
3rd Chakra: Lavender Dalmatia from Croatia
4th Chakra: Vanilla Oleoresin from Madagascar & Rose from Bulgaria
5th Chakra: Peppermint Highland from France
6th Chakra: Lemograss from India
7th Chakra: Thyme Borneol from Morocco
We only produce limited, artisanal quantities. We do not want everyone to smell the same. There are only 20 bottles of this rare, special edition.
We will also donate $50 to Broadway Cares' Dancers Responding to AIDS program, one of the nation’s leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising and grant-making organizations. Learn more about DRA: https://dradance.org/
What are 'chakras'?
The chakras give us ways to balance the whole system. Each of the seven chakras, aligned invisibly up and down the spinal column, stand for an important aspect of being in balance. Starting at the base of the spine and working upward, here’s what the chakras can tell you about yourself, according to the Indian tradition.
First chakra (base of the spine): This is your foundation, or grounding. When in balance, the first chakra gives you a sense of physical security, safety, and feeling centered. People who feel well-supported have a strong first chakra.
Second chakra (sacrum): This is your source of pleasure, creativity, and sexual energy. When in balance, the second chakra makes life enjoyable. People who are enthusiastic and can accept pleasure naturally, without excess, addiction, or inhibition, have a strong second chakra.
Third chakra (navel/solar plexus): Commonly called the power chakra, the third chakra converts energy into physical form, beginning with good digestion and hormonal balance. When in balance, this chakra makes you feel empowered and able to bring your intentions to fruition. People who have self-confidence and self-esteem are strong in the third chakra.
Fourth chakra (heart): The subtle or spiritual qualities of love, compassion, and empathy are governed by the fourth chakra. When in balance, this charka is soothing, comforting, and nourishing. People who are warm-hearted, sympathetic, and loving have a strong fourth chakra.
Fifth chakra (throat): The fifth chakra is about communication and expression. When in balance, this chakra allows you to express yourself with a sense of safety and confidence. People who can speak their truth and think clearly have a strong fifth chakra.
Sixth chakra (forehead): The sixth chakra traditionally sits like a “third eye” that gives inner vision and access to higher or spiritual reality. When in balance, this chakra allows for intuition and insight. People who trust their inner perceptions have a strong sixth chakra, with the added potential for wisdom and a powerful spiritual life.
Seventh chakra (top of head): Commonly called the “crown” chakra, the seventh chakra is the connection to pure consciousness. When in balance, this chakra gives the individual awareness knowledge that it is universal awareness—the lower self (Jiva) is the higher Self (Atman), and both are merged into the One (Brahman). People who experience states of unity consciousness have a strong seventh chakra.